Our Governors are local people who are working for their communities.
The Council of Governors has representation from patients, the public, staff and partners.

Carol Warren, Lead Governor
Carol has been a public governor for the last seven months; she is very new to the role, but not to the Chesterfield Royal Hospital building!
Carol began her working career 42 years ago in Health and Social Care, in roles which spanned managing Domiciliary Care in Sheffield and later in Hope Valley.
Carol began her working career 42 years ago in Health and Social Care, in roles which spanned managing Domiciliary Care in Sheffield and later in Hope Valley; residential care for the elderly; primary care in Ayrshire, Scotland; and most recently manual handling in acute care both in Glasgow, and Chesterfield.
Carol retired in 2022, after twenty years working as the Manual Handling Advisor at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
She decided that upon retiring, she wanted to maintain involvement with the Trust; drawing on her experience and knowledge of providing care in a wide range of settings. Carol wanted to help achieve and maintain the best quality services available for our community in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.
Carol says: "Healthcare does not start or stop at the front door of our hospital. We’ve had to face challenges never seen before, and also work together with other Health and Social Care Organisations.
"I am particularly interested in issues related to the health and safety of colleagues and patients, including the recording of and responding to incidents within the organisation. I am also interested in ensuring safe environments and safe working conditions for our #TeamCRH colleagues."
Public Governors
Public governors are elected by local people to work with the Trust and are working on your behalf to improve.
Partner Governors
Partner governors are appointed to work with the Trust from a wide range of our partners.
Staff Governors
Staff governors are elected by colleagues and represent different services and teams across the organisation.